Addressing the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) power show in Attock, the former prime minister said that Allah worships you and seeks help from you, do not prostrate before any man or any country, we are a free nation, our word Gives us freedom, this is our real freedom fight, participation of brave youth with me is the biggest responsibility, I tell women you all have to take part in real freedom fight. This is the decisive time for our country, the decision is going to be made whether we will enslave the free or the slaves of the Americans, this is not politics, this is jihad, the decision has been made as long as Allah kept alive I will never accept thieves, robbers Will

“Prepare all the zealous and courageous youth of Attock. We have to fight for our freedom. My mother said you are lucky to have been born in a free country. Millions of people have died in the British wars. Knelt before America, and enslaved others without conquering slavery. The US told Musharraf to join the war or else he would drop the bomb. The then ruler knelt before the US. I always said I would not bow down to anyone and I would not let the people bow down.

Imran Khan

Imran Khan said that there are three stages of Pakistan, the biggest disease of the country Zardari and two brothers have been returning to the country for 30 years Maulana Fazlur Rehman took over the ministry of NHA instead of the Ministry of Education.

The former prime minister said that the three stooges conspired here with the Biden administration, Donald Lone threatened the ambassador of Pakistan. They planned and toppled the government. What was the big problem? They all toppled the government together. We took over the bankrupt economy. Slowly fixing the industry, increasing growth and collecting record taxes, conspiracy was hatched when Pakistan was developing.

He said that when the conspiracy was discovered, the people could have stopped the conspiracy. I and Shaukat Tareen also told him but unfortunately they could not do anything. Today, Pakistan’s rupee is depreciating rapidly. Pakistan’s economy is going down? Who is responsible

Imran Khan said that Maryam Nawaz is on bail, you have to come out with me for the future of your children, there are cases against Shahbaz Sharif worth Rs 24 billion, FIA has made cases against him and now they are being terminated. Is Asif Zardari to reform NAB? Those who have returned to the country are closing their own cases. The Home Minister has committed 18 murders. Nawaz Sharif went to London to meet the convict. Nawaz Sharif is on the run.

PTI chairman said that our prophet had said that nation would be destroyed if big bandits were not caught, the country is heading towards destruction. When Shahbaz was asked about Rs 16 billion, he threatened, he killed Ian Ali’s customs officer, Emperor and Justice Sajjad were killed by Zardari, if these people succeed then the country will go to disaster. Catching the corner of big thieves is a way of destruction. I will call Islamabad after May 20. You have to get out. You people should not be afraid of anything.

The former Prime Minister said that our Prophet had earlier broken the chains of fear of the people of Madinah, the frightened people are never free, life is in the hands of death and sustenance till we announce this election, we are Islam. We will not back down from Abad, not Tehreek-e-Insaf, I invite the whole nation to Islamabad, send troops to their families, this is not my war, this is Pakistan’s war, we have to be free from outside slavery and thieves, every citizen has to leave for Islamabad Yes, I am ready to go to jail and sacrifice my life. By no means will I accept the slave thieves of America. I pay tribute to everyone including Major Sadiq and Zulfi Bukhari. I will meet you now in Islamabad.

The country is on the verge of bankruptcy – Shah Mehmood Qureshi:

Former Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs and PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi said

that Attock is a city of invaders, bodyguards and martyrs. Will Hamza be able to get a vote of confidence when 25 looters have finished? The only way to get the country out of the crisis is an immediate election. The government is in a quandary. The country is on the verge of bankruptcy. do not have.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi

He said that there was a time when people of MQM used to go to London. Today, the infiltrators of Pakistan are sitting in London. In London they say that Khan is gone and we are trapped. The one who is nominated by Koshabaz Sharif does not accept the presidency, the one who is told to take oath is refusing to take oath.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that they do not realize that they are talking about trade with India, human rights are being violated in occupied Kashmir, whether there should be trade with India in these circumstances or not, we all have strong hands of Imran Khan. Imran Khan will give an important message in Multan on May 20. If Imran Khan’s call from Islamabad comes, we will leave.

Attock people are waiting for the call of Islamabad – Major (retd) Tahir Sadiq:

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Member National Assembly Major (retd) Tahir Sadiq while addressing the meeting said that the people of Attock are waiting for the call of Islamabad.

Sheikh Rashid predicted that the dollar would be 200 rupees:

Earlier, former federal interior minister and Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rashid Ahmed had said that the dollar would reach Rs 200 by May 17.

Addressing a public meeting of PTI in Attock, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed said that Imran Khan has called for saving the country. The whole of Pakistan is coming to Imran Khan’s call. If you can stop it, stop it and show it.

Regarding the recent statement of ISPR, he said that the Pakistan Army had said in its statement that the language used by Asif Zardari and Maryam Nawaz regarding the corps commander of Peshawar was not acceptable to them.

Sheikh Rashid further said that the accused has become the Prime Minister and Chief Minister. Yes, there will be pressure on Pakistan for nuclear weapons.

Awami Muslim League chief said that whoever planned the no-confidence motion has served Imran Khan, Imran Khan has become a hero, Imran Khan has said that he will not talk to anyone or anyone. Will hear the call, just waiting for the election. By calling the ministers to London, the thieves have given a message that they are the rulers of the country. At present, there are two prime ministers and a finance minister in the country.

He said that there is a question of life and death of Pakistan, America had thought that shoe polisher would take over Pakistan but it could not happen, big time is coming on Pakistan, they will not take over economy, our Nuclear assets will be in grave danger.

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Last Update: April 16, 2023